How to provision a new Cloud Server Print

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With our Elastic Cloud, you will be able to provision a new Cloud Server through our Cloud Portal website.

When you have provisioned a new Cloud Server, your server will be online in just a few moments time and you will be able to log into it once it has come online.

  1. When you are logged into our Cloud Portal, click on the Services box

  2. When you are viewing My Products & Services website, click on your Elastic Cloud service

  3. When you are on the Elastic Cloud website, then click on the Add New Server green button

  4. Then complete the form to apply the resources to your new Cloud Server.

    1. Servers Hostname

    2. Servers Operating System

    3. Servers Root Password

    4. Memory/RAM to be allocated to the server

    5. CPU Cores to be allocated to the server

    6. Disk Space to be allocated to the server

    7. Bandwidth to be allocated to the server

    8. IP Addresses to be allocated to the server

  5. Once the resources have been selected, then click on the Add New Virtual Server blue button to provision your new Cloud Server.



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