How to manage e-mail disk usage in cPanel (Delete Emails) Print

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Following are the steps to delete Emails from your Email account:

1.    Log in to cPanel.
2.    Email Disk Usage
3.    On the Email Disk Usage page, in the Account list box (Drop down option), select the e-mail account you want to view:
4.    Here you will see folders, number of messages in each folder, and disk space usage by each folder.
5.    To free disk space, under Actions, click Manage.
6.    Under Messages to delete, select one of the following filters to use for the messages you want to delete:

1 year old or more: This option deletes any messages that are older than one year.
30 MB in size or more: This option deletes any messages that are 30 MB or larger.
Previously viewed: This option deletes any messages that have already been opened.
All messages: This option deletes all of the messages in the folder.
Custom query: This option enables you to use Dovecot search queries to select specific sets of messages.-

7.    Click Delete Permanently. cPanel deletes the specified messages. Double check, if you selected right option and then select this option.

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